Helping Churches Help Families In Need
Around The Table (Foster Family Support Group) Register Here!
Who is FamilyTable?
Every day, there are more than 500 calls made to report abused and neglected children
in Los Angeles. Those that are removed from their homes will enter the foster care system,
increasing the likelihood of homelessness, drug abuse, teen pregnancy and incarceration
upon turning 18. There is hope that their story doesn’t have to end this way.
FamilyTable is working to strengthen and support the four pillars of foster care:
The best strategy is to keep families together. Unfortunately, many children entering the foster care system are coming from communities of poverty. By addressing the ecosystem that generates poverty and alleviating the immediacy of needs (from utility bills to laptops for school), we are working to prevent children from being removed from their home in the first place.
Right now there are over 400,000 children in the foster care system; 36,000 of them being in Los Angeles, making it the county with the greatest child welfare crisis in the nation. The Family Table serves as a bridge between local child welfare systems and faith communities in order to provide for basic needs: from bunk beds for resource parents to suitcases for kids transitioning in or out of a placement.
Older youth who age out of the foster care system face an uncertain future, many without basic life skills, employment opportunities or adequate housing. Statistically speaking, 70% of former foster youth become victims of sex trafficking. Another 75% of young women from foster care will have a child of their own by age 19. Statistics may be able to tell us where we have been, but they have no power over our future. The Family Table works to provide real hope for older teens.
Caring for vulnerable children cannot be done alone. While not everyone is called to open their home to foster children, everyone can do something. Our coaching process will help your church discover how to get involved, develop a Spirit led strategy for fruitfulness and deploy your church to action. We then provide the resources to establish and equip a local Advocate and Support Community to continue to promote the work. Contact us today!
The Family Table is where we extend the hospitality God has shown us – the invitation to belong- with those in need of a safe, loving family of their own. We desire to support the families and communities that are saying yes to meeting the needs of vulnerable, at-risk children in the foster care system.
The table is set. Pull up a chair.
Keep a family together.
Serving children in the foster care system.
Helping older youth develop life skills and find employment and housing.
Educating and equipping the local church to be a part of the solution. Together, we can make a difference.
Get Involved
“…Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” -Isaiah 1:17
Contact Us
Let us know how we can serve your church, and someone will get back with you shortly.